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We called them gods — these humanoids who came down out of the sky. They were black, white, red, yellow, blue, silver, and brown — but some were exotic, frighteningly so, where even to look upon one meant certain death: There shall no man see me and live, said the Lord to Moses.
Extraterrestrials came in many forms: Blue avian bird-men traveled with mantis humanoids and merged their DNA into ours, according to Navajo lore. Were they ancestors of today’s Mantid or Mantis aliens, and Blue Avian aliens?
Blue elves in the British Isles mirrored our lives in every respect as if learning how to be us, while little green men taught Native Americans the art of medicine.
Cherubs were four-winged humanoids whose bodies emanated fire or light, while Enoch was terrified by the Grigori soldier-angels he encountered whose height was greater than that of the great giants. We also encountered the Shining Ones and a multitude of luminous beings.
Brightly colored Manikins and Nature Spirits may have been the little people of folklore, while the fallen angels appear to have been born of Nordic aliens. Guardian angels from many alien races were tasked with guiding individual humans throughout our lives, each of us with our own guardian angel, also known as a Norn.
Meanwhile, two giants born of extraterrestrial fathers brought five warring tribes together in peace to heal “the twisted minds of men.” In 1987, the United States Senate formally acknowledged the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the U.S. Constitution, as originally created by extraterrestrials who taught us that peace cannot exist without laws. And thus, the Constitution of the United States formed its original basis from extraterrestrial law.